EMDR Therapy

for Depression, Anxiety and Trauma 


  Located near UCR Campus

Available online throughout California for those with a busy schedule

Today is your opportunity to build the tomorrow that you want

-Ken Poirot

  • What if you could learn to feel safe and secure in your body?

  • What if you could show up as your most authentic self without fear of judgment or rejection?

  • What if you healed from your past trauma so it doesn’t continue to impact your relationships and keep you from living the life you always wanted.

  • What if you could leave the past in the past and turn a new chapter in your life?

  • What if you can heal from the shame and guilt that wasn’t yours to carry.

Why Choose

Grey Space Therapy Inc. 

  • Specialized Exclusive Care: We are certified in EMDR Trauma therapy and somatic approaches to healing from trauma. We work from a trauma-informed lens and mind-body holistic lens.

  • Timely Access to Care: We know you expect highest quality of care. Under our care you will have timely access to see your therapist. (Same week intake session).

  • Expert Therapist: We are board certified clinicians for the state of California. We strategically specialize on specific areas of focus (niches) to ensure you get individual tailor care from leading experts in our field of work.

Board of Behavioral Sciences (BBS) State-Licensed Mental Health Providers in Riverside, CA

Our Mission:

Improve the overall wellbeing of our clients through the mental health lens.

Reduce mental health disparities in the Riverside Community.

Bring the highest quality mental health services to the Latin/Bipoc/Immigrant communities.

Meet Fabiola Pacheco, LCSW

Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Trauma Therapis

You are worthy of the life you dream of

Let us help you create it!


Therapy and Founder of Grey Space Therapy Inc.

Schedule a Free Consultation

Click here to schedule a free consultation. During the consultation we will ask more about your needs and current struggles. We will discuss our approach to ensure that we are the right fit for your needs.

Attend Therapy Sessions

During your initial intake evaluation your therapist will provide feedback and their professional recommendations for treatment. Most clients begin by attending weekly therapy sessions to help reduce symptoms and to help build a strong therapy relationship with their therapist.

Follow Up

Therapy is a journey. It is important to be patient with yourself as you embark on your journey of self discovery and healing. Often times people expect a quick fix but reality is mental health can be complex. The brain is meant to heal but sometimes that requires patience and time.



First-Gen Struggles


Social Anxiety

Self-Esteem Struggles

Toxic Relationship Patterns


Trauma (Abuse)

LGBTQI+ Health
Work Stress



Panic Attacks


 You've tried to handle your mental health struggles alone, believing you could manage everything by yourself. Now, it's becoming increasingly challenging to cope with the demands of daily life. Symptoms that were once manageable are escalating, impacting crucial areas such as family dynamics, personal relationships, and professional responsibilities

Does this sound familiar?

  • Have you tried to forget or ignore your past but find your trauma continues to show up at the most inconvenient times?
  • Have you developed depression and anxiety as coping skills to help you deal with the hurt?
  • Have you found it difficult to build healthy relationships?
  •  Do you find it difficulty trusting others or become anxious and vulnerable in close relationships?
EMDR Therapy is a science based and research backed therapeutic approach-- know for its effectiveness in supporting individuals process and heal from traumatic experiences. 

EMDR Therapy therapy takes a holistic approach by working from a mind, body, and emotions lens.


Proven therapy helps heal past traumas like childhood abuse, bullying, and violence experiences.

Treatment techniques designed to help with trauma healing and distressing memories. Different from talk therapy, EMDR places special focus on body sensations and connection.

One-on-one counseling sessions that focus on your personal challenges and growth.

Approaches Used:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)

  • Mindfulness Techniques/Tools

  • Problem Solving Therapy (PST).

Adult Individual Therapy

Therapy In Spanish

Therapy for Teenagers

Therapy para tus Padres—————Aging Latino Parents face many barriers to mental health services. We make it easy to help your loved ones receive highest quality of care. Providing services in Spanish and helping coordinate care as needed.

1 in 5 students experience mental health concerns any given year. Busy schedules, social media pressures, bullying and academic pressure can take a toll on children’s mental wellbeing. Therapy can help children develop healthy coping skills to manage struggles, Strengthen family relationships and build resilience for your children.

Therapy for Teenagers

Online therapy is available for those with busy schedules and hectic lifestyles. Note: Due to licensing restrictions you must reside in California.

Online Therapy is making it easier for people to access quality mental health services.

Online Therapy —California

Men are less likely to receive mental health services due to the stigma associated with it. Unhealthy stereotypes often times keep men from asking for support. Six million men are affected by depression in the United States every single year (NIH)

Therapy for Men

Specializing in Serving:

Therapy for Latine/x Community

Latina Therapist in Riverside CA 92509
Latina Therapist near Riverside CA for Young Adults with stress

Therapy for First Gen College Students

Therapy for Millennials in the Workplace

Start your healing journey today!

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